The theater of absurd which passed as a presidential speech Tuesday evening was a political rally; a spectacle that disgraced the halls of Congress. It was a rhetorical equivalent of the January 6th attempted overthrow of our democracy. A litany of lies, insults and arrogance that created a moral violence in the air.
There was no legislative agenda put forth because he has virtually dismissed the legislature, already, in favor of a despot’s decree. In the maelstrom of his edicts, not a single act addressed the grievances of his constituency.
Ninety-two years ago, Hitler and the Nazi Party gained
control of their parliament and three weeks after that he was granted full
dictatorial power. In the interim I was born. From my embryonic sea, I sensed unrest.
The residue of those early years, of swastikas, dust bowl, breadlines and President Roosevelt’s patrician voice were the givens for me the rest of that decade. I was suckled on movies, and this is where I came in. We are now living in the historical moment of a documentary.
Ten years ago, I believed that progress, however slow, was
inherent as humankind evolved. Now, I need to be persuaded it isn’t cyclic. We
seem to have landed back in time. Can it be that humans are eager to abdicate
their autonomy and look for an authority figure to mindlessly follow? Is this a
blip in the chronicle or a flaw in the genome?
Indeed, bullies have always been roaming the schoolyards and
maybe even embezzled milk money, but I don’t recall a movement to elect them as class
president. Or for the class liar insisting that he won after being defeated.
What we all knew in 2nd grade, half of us have forgotten as so-called
Will the story of the next few years pick up in Bavaria or
Brooklyn? Shall we make the world grate again? Or can we remember not to run
with scissors but learn to play well with others?