Friday, May 24, 2024

Some Modest Proposals

Disenfranchise everyone over ten years old. Leave it to the kids who know better than their parents and grandparents.

As early as the 2nd grade we knew enough not to elect as class president the boy who ran with scissors, who knocked over others’ blocks, stole the milk money, threw spitballs and sat in the corner with a dunce cap on. We knew not to give our vote to him when he insulted the teacher and lied to the principal. We learned all that in kindergarten or even preschool.

How did we grow up so stupid……and then make a virtue of it? I propose MAGA folks return to elementary school where they might learn what is elemental.

I vaguely recall reciting the Pledge of Allegiance early on. (Raise your hand if you know it was written by the socialist, Francis Bellamy). I wondered who Richard Stand was (for which it stands). And I loved that word indivisible. I’d never heard it used in another context, before or since.

It means we are a nation, not a confederation of semi-sovereign states. So, my next modest proposal is to abolish states. Why divide this land into meaningless units and then assign two senators to each when some have more cattle than people. Are the Dakotas really so different or even Kansas from Nebraska? What we call states were simply land grants issued by the King of England 250 years ago.

Without states we eliminate that anachronistic electoral college which belongs in the shredder of history along with the thoroughly-disgraced Supreme Court.

Our Pledge of Allegiance also contains a phrase which Republicans might deem to be subversive; justice for all. How else could they explain their refusal to reinstate the Voting Rights Act.

No algorithms needed for these proposals. It’s called common sense.






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