Sunday, August 18, 2024


All those As and B+'s did me in.
Rules like bricks upon rules. 
Six plus eight would always be fourteen,
Elegant in its way and rigid as the square of the hypotenuse,  
or the rote of presidents in order.
Knowing them all was plenty of nothing.

I mouthed the words by the dawn's early light, 
white with foam, my eyes saw the glory of the coming.

Like Vasco da Gama I explored 
and inched free by subtraction.
but the geography in my head 
was missing a hemisphere 
for which there is no syllogism or structural formula.

Slowly I heard sentences sprout, 
listened to orchid's tongues,  
the cello in a phrase, clash of cymbals in the oil slick.
I set sail inside the watermelon 
and parted the red sea.

Rafting down the river of tears, 
the smile of a gibbous moon,   
I own my blurts, first words, best words. 
I am bridging the hemispheres merging and emerging 
fluent in the lost language of reverence, 
of love aligned sufficient to surpass myself.

How sonnets have overthrown the eight + six 
yet every word from the heart is lyric 
and rhymes with itself. 

Through increments of teal this verdant life evolving,
the leaf, when fully evolved, is withered and gone.


  1. Oh gosh (for lack of a better word at this morning hour) - this is beautiful, thank you. The phrase "luent in the lost language of reverence" will be with me for a long while. Thank you.

  2. Thanks, David. My attempt to trace the arc of my life.
