Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Any Morning

Waking to breaking news,

a dirge of heavy words.

No bulletins heard on NPR

to navigate the shade.  

No heroic couplets

in the poem-of-the-day.

No gotcha to pierce

those shuttered minds.


I take refuge in the woods

reclaiming this street,

with a lurch of shrubs and stalks

on the verge of summer dresses,

their full spectrum is a quake

for my astigmatic eyes.


There is a peace in the havoc of Matisse,

a celebration around a stump

in a circle of what is

overlooked, the silent armistice

among a controversy of crows,

the song unheard

just beyond our reach, 

yet even as we feel the pulse

we're still not fluent in the words.




  1. Thank you for this! A lovely way to start this blustery morning.

  2. Thank you. I set the scene of this poem in that same mind-set of a dark and stormy inner morning and then tried to find my way out of it. I found delight not only in the images but also using assonance in the lines.
