Monday, July 22, 2024


The world doesn’t hold still for a minute and that’s not a bad thing. Biden’s release of his delegates quaked the political landscape yet whether it moves the needle for Democrats remains to be seen.

Let's go with the rumble. It pokes us awake from complacency with its seismic jolt. This is a moment on the precipice to gain a better view of the chasm, of what we have had and all we stand to lose. Democracy requires participation. Maybe that is what some of us have neglected. It is also a leveling experience; a good time to meet your neighbor.            -                                                   

Permanence has always been a construct. In fact, the ground under our feet is constantly shifting. When the turmoil feels familiar, we call it order but when displacements tap into our fears, we see it as chaos and yearn for those good old days which we misremember as idyllic.

The tectonic plates of our country are clashing along the old fault lines. Urban centers embrace diversity with a generally informed electorate while the rural heartland, with low-information voters, cling to the hands of time moving counterclockwise.  

Half the nation is becoming and evolving while the other half is buying into the illusion of stasis based upon old movies and the stale promises of a false prophet. There was a time we saw with child’s eyes, but no amount of erasure can alter our ignoble past.

Sunday’s news is a kind of baton passing. The old guard has yielded to a more youthful candidate. President Biden takes his place as one of our best, but he can no longer deliver his message with the needed vigor. 

There is a counter narrative to the MAGA, a zeitgeist with which we must align ourselves. Finally, we are being offered the choice with a woman of mixed heritage and new energy to meet the most unfit public figure in the annals of American history.                                                                                                                


  1. I hope you don't mind that I shared this on Facebook. You nailed it with this post.
