Sunday, June 2, 2024


How water is ice, is steam.

Trees, the wood, now paper, now ember

and all the stops between.

Gerunding, she wrote, giving birth to a word,

how everything is rotting or ripening,

morphing, dying, and living again.

Awesome he said having found a dollar bill

on the sidewalk, doing violence to awe,

once reserved for rapture or reverence

and in its travels became awful,

as in shock and awe,

then loved and degraded to death.


In my dream an old friend, long deceased, 

carelessly dropped the lid 

from his Styrofoam cup

defacing the zen garden.

I ran to pick it up. Was I not my friend

restoring the equipoise,

correcting my own trespass,

evolving in this place of rapture

and is that not awesome?




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